
> Writing Money  Amount <

Writing Money  Amount

Money can written using words, numbers and symbol.  The dollar symbol is ($). The cent symbol is (¢)


1 Penny = one cent   or $0.01   or 1¢

Can also be described as one hundredth of a dollar.  1/100


1 Nickel =  five cents   or $0.05   or 5¢

Can also be described as five hundredth of a dollar. 5/100


1 Dime =  ten cents  or $0.10   or 10$

Can also be described as ten hundredth of a dollar.  10/100


1 Quarter = twenty-five cents  or $0.25   or 25¢

Can also be described as twenty-five hundredth of a dollar. 25/100


1 half dollar = fifty cents  or $0.50   or 50¢

Can also be described as fifty hundredth of a dollar. 50/100


1 Dollar = one hundred cents  or $1.00   or 100¢


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