Rounding Decimals to the Nearest

Rounding Decimal to the Nearest Thousandth

Rounding Decimal to the Nearest Thousandth 

Example: Round 2.4786 to nearest thousandth.

The 8 is in the thousandth place.

rounding to the nearest thousandth

Look at the digit to the immediate right of the
thousandth place.

6 is greater than 5, so round up. Add 1 to the
digit you are rounding to. 2.4796

Replace all digits to right of the one you are rounding to
with zeros.   Answer: 2.4790


if the number we were rounding was 2.4784

Number to the right of the thousandth digit is 4.
Since 4 is less than 5 we round down and leave the
thousandth place digit unchanged.

Answer: 2.4780


Remember: If less than 5, round down. If 5 or greater, 
round up.