Rounding and Estimating

Rounding Decimal Numbers to Nearest Whole Number

Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Whole or Ones Digit

Rounding to Nearest Whole, also called rounding to
the nearest ones digit or unit digit. Example; 3.675
rounded the nearest whole is 4.

Example-1: round the number 2.241 to the nearest

1. First find the ones digit, the first digit before the
decimal place.


The next digit (the tenths place digit) is shown in blue.

We round up or down depending on the value of the next

If the tenths place digit is less than 5, round down. To round
down, remove all digits beginning at the next digit.

If the tenths place digit is greater than or equal to 5, we
would round up.
To round up, remove all digits beginning at the next digit


3 is less than 5, so round down to 2


Example-2: round 25.74 to the nearest whole.

7 is 5 or more, so round up to 26