Place value

Place Values by 7  Digit Numbers

Millions, Hundred thousands, Ten thousands, Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, Ones

Place Values up to millions

Each number in a 7  digit number has a different  
place value.
example: The number 2,342,365


The  2 is in the miilions  place. It
tells you there is 2 sets of
miilions,  in the million place.

1,000,000 + 1,000,000 = 

The  3 is in the hundred thousands  place. It tells you there
is 3 sets of hundred  thousand,  in the hundred thousand

100,000+100,000+100,000+= 300,000

he  4 is in the ten thousands  place. It tells you there is 4
sets of ten  thousand  in the thousand place.

10,000+10,000+10,000+10,000 = 40,000

The 2 is in  the thousands place.  It tells you that there are
2 sets of thousand in the thousands place.
1000+1000 = 2000

The 6 is in the tens place. It tells you there are 6 sets of
tens in the tens place

The 5 is in the ones place. It tells you there are 5
ones in the ones place

2,000,000 + 300,000, 40,000 + 2000 + 300 + 60 + 5 =
