> Place Value <


Place Value  up to 4 digit numbers
Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, Ones

Place Value  up to 5 digit numbers
ten thousands, thousands, 
Hundreds, Tens, Ones

Place Value  up to 6 digit numbers
hundred thousands, ten thousands, 
thousands, Hundreds, Tens, Ones

Place Value  up to 7 digit numbers
millions, hundred thousands, ten
thousands, thousands, Hundreds, 
Tens, Ones


Writing Numbers

Writing numbers in words
101 = one hundred one

Place Value of decimals

Decimal Place Value

tenths, hundredths

Decimal Place Value by 3
hundredths, thousandths

Decimal Place Value by 4

tenths, hundredths, 
thousandths, and ten


Place Value Chart

place value chart

Place Value Chart

place value table